Where it all started...

'I have had it with you', yelled Ophelia. 'You simply just can't do anything RIGHT!'

'Well, OPHELIA, you are still to blame for that stupid formal poem you sent TO THE GOVERMENT to put shame on every single one of us!' exiled Corban looking with the glare of what you call, 'the sharp one'.

'Ugh, just remember I'm still making my plans on revenge', Ophelia was livid and stormed away in a huff. Infuriated. We guess it was overwhelming. Fussy much hm...

Zael stepped up in front of them to confront Corban about the situation to help him out but...

"Good Morning Workers, Please could Team 4290 (Ophelia, Camelia, Zael Corban and Xander) report to the office of Sir (P.M) immediately, thank you", bleating a miniscule speaker! TEAM 4390 discussed for 2 minutes and set off. The team created a rush down the hall while also gathering all the papers! Leaving Ophelia Behind… but eventually she caught up.

'NEW HIGH SCORE', commented Camelia restlessly. All of them took a breather while Ophelia wasn't so happy.

'Well thanks a lot', she mumbled.

Soon enough, they opened the door, all these questions flooded through their minds, why were they called back straight after they went for a previous meeting? Soon to be answered, as they knocked, a tall secretary opened the second door to the main office before dropping her notepad and pen all over the floor, scattering her files everywhere. Ophelia and Corban took a sharp glimpse at each other before starting the competition of who could collect the most papers and returning them back to the P.M & Secretary FIRST. With-out-a-doubt, Ophelia got the most papers and gave the smuggest look to her competitors. Trying to keep their calm, the children slowly rushed into the room sitting on one of the 7 chairs each.

"Welcome all of you!" The P.M chuckled in a posh manner welcoming them as he shuffled his paperwork, "I informed you to come here to revise the information i received today about the dates you will be visiting the Amazon Rainforest, before I continue this, any questions?"

"Yes sir, one in fact, when we leave, will there be WIFI, because in the Amazon there is sky, right'', asked Corban. The office felt speechless before overflowing themselves with laughter, at that moment, we all knew Corban's face went bright red.

"Not so smart now, are you?" Ophelia whispered in his ear before her attention went to the laughing prime minister.

"Sir, I have a question too, will any other children come with us, you know we do not know that Amazon, after all we are only 15- 17 years of age, some of us can't even look after ourselves alone" asked Camelia referring to Ophelia and Corban.

"Glad you asked, you will be going in just a small group, your crew 4290 and Phil just to make sure you arrive ok and leave ok, but when you are there an expert on this topic will greet you and be your 6th member of 4290 for the time being. She is exceedingly kind and speaks English but originates from Brazil. I am sure you will get along with her. I need to inform you of this, so you know, start packing when you're going tomorrow!! SO please get ready!!", croaked the P.M with a sincere look slowly coming among this smirk face.