Negotiating with the King of the Magical Forest

"Who all are coming to join the fight now?", Liu Man asked Liu Feng.

"It's just us. The dragons won't arrive until a few months later but we can't afford to wait till then for our plan to start. We must attack the demons immediately. They are demons, so there will be an endless supply from the other continent. We can't allow them to get any reinforcements. We will have to strike them when they are down now. They already lost two demon generals, and a considerable force in the magical forest when I fought with them."

"Considerable force? Don't kid yourself child. That is no considerable force. That is just a small squad that the pompous fool brought to help him. If the demon general brought the real troops behind him, then the king of the magical forest would have come out and obliterated him and his pitiful army in an instant., Feng Huang scoffed.