Meeting the King of the Magical Forest

"Is this how you wake me up?", Liu Feng could hear a voice ring. A drenched Amelia stepped out of the tent to see Liu Feng with the huge dragon. Without saying a word more, she stepped back into the tent. 

Liu Feng smiled bitterly, but what could he do? He looked back at the dragon and asked, "If you please, the directions."

Pan Long sighed. "And here I thought that a proper rest would clear your mind."

"Sometimes, we have to do what we have to do. I came here prepared.", Liu Feng shook his head.

The dragon spoke to Liu Feng explaining to him how to get to the centre. After all of this was done, Liu Feng bowed down to the dragon in respect. He nodded and he went to Amelia's tent to call her out. He opened the tent and went inside.

"Amelia, let us- Aargh! Why are you naked?", Liu Feng stepped back in shock.