
By the time he got there, everyone was practically in line. He identified his batch and wanted to go over there, but he hesitated. He knew that since every one was basically in line, he would be considered late. If we went out now, he would be called out, and there were people who would recognize him here as well, and it was a risk that he didn't want to take. So, he shrugged.

"Maybe I don't need to stay here today. I need the day off anyway. Would be nice to sit back and relax somewhere comfy.", he thought to himself. 

He turned around to leave. A few others were also late like him, and they rushed forward to join their batches, but life was not easy for them.

"You there, come here! Do you know what time it is? Showcase time. Take him away and show everyone how the army treats people without discipline. 

Liu Feng looked at them and shook his head. His feet blurred as he rushed away from the scene of the crime.