
"What do you mean, I am not strong enough? I can deal with any demon captain, and if I break through to the seventh step soon enough, then I might even be able to take care of demon generals.", Liu Feng said.

"Calm down. A simple seventh order mage will not be able to deal with a demon general, and I hope that you will not try those stunts. I hope that you will not risk your life on anything stupid.", Arad said.

"It is comforting that you think that. Now, remember, I have a task for you. It is the bomb. You have to deploy it. I do not have any way to deploy it, and you are the only way that I can think of. You have to transform fully, and try it out.", Liu Feng said.

"Are you sure that you want to do this? It is a lot of hassle, and honestly, I do not think that it can kill anyone above demon soldiers in rank.", Arad said skeptically.