Taking up his duties

Liu Feng smiled.

"I may be young, but that doesn't mean that I can just skimp on my duties as the king. And I shall not encourage you to do the same. Bring in the next case. It is time for me to take up my mantle as the king properly. I have waited and put this off far too long, and judging by how slowly this is going, I believe that there are many with problems that are waiting in line. Bring the next one in." Liu Feng said.

The attendant bowed, and he snuck a gaze with the ministers. All of them had complex looks on their faces as they looked at each other, not able to understand what to do next. They did not expect their young king to come to the throne room at all. For the few weeks that he had been king, he only came here once or twice, so they just started hearing the proceedings. There was sure to be some corruption here and there, and it was clear that the Baron of the previous case was just about to get away with it.