We were sitting together quietly for almost 15 minutes which felt like hours...it was kind of awkward...

Then that pretty girl spoke up 'Umm ig we all are pretty confused so let's start with introducing ourselves...well let me start first 'Im Kira And I'm 23 Years Old...(Smiles)'

"Tae" is it important to tell our age too?

"Kira" ofc so we can know how old we're...(he seems arrogant ( •̀ε•́ ))

"Tae" duh fine.. I'm taehyung and I'm 25 y/o (nods politely)

"Kookie" Hello I'm Jungkook and I'm 23 y/o (bow's 90 degree)

"Kira" Huh (and he seems extra polite)

Then they all turned towards the only person who was left..

"y/n" I..Ahm.. I'm y/n and I'm 20 y/o (bow's) it's..it's nice to meet you all...(screams in happiness internally)


After discussing the matter

"Tae" So there's nothing weird happened with any of us..we all fall asleep as usual and wake up in this dark forest...Not to mention full of wild animals...

"Kookie" Doesn't this feels like a movie..?

He looks towards y/n cuz she's the only one who didn't talked at all after introducing herself...


I didn't realized I've been staring at him... when I didn't replied to him..Kira shake's my shoulder a lil ..it helped me come back to reality..

And the first thing I noticed is...

a shy kookie (・・) .... (no,no,no he noticed my stare..ofc he did.. it was so obvious... I gotta get distracted or else I'm going to embarrass myself) (٥↼_↼)

"y/n" Ahm ..I..ig...we should search the house first maybe we'll find something useful and should locked all the windows and doors...(My friends says I'm very good at changing topics ig they're right teehee)

"Tae" good idea..we should split into two teams this house is big..

"y/n" I.. I'll go with Kira we'll search the house...U and kook..I mean jungkook...lock the doors and windows.. Ok?

(damn that was close)

"Tae" ok (thumbs up)....

♡To Be Continued..