"Kira" You're Handsome But That Doesn't Mean That You'll Be Winning Every time Hmph ಠ⁠ω⁠ಠ...

"Tae" Wait There's A Mistake In Your Sentence..

"Kira" What Mistake?

"Tae" I'm Not Just Handsome, I'm The Most Handsome (Smirks Proudly)

"Kira" -_- Youuuuu...

"Y/N" Guys Stop For Now We Needs To Discuss Some Important Stuff..

"Kira" Oh Yeah ...

~ We Told Them Everything About Our Rooms And Dolls ..

"Jk" Fall Or Die? This House Is Clean , Even Food Is Freshly Cooked, Rooms Are Well Arranged , They Have Our Nameplates On It , And As You Said Even The Closets are Filled With Clothes As If Someone Has Arranged All Of This With A purpose , But Who And Why.....???

"Tae" You Said There's Four Rooms But Why's There's Only Three Words?

Did You Guys Checked All Four Rooms?

"Kira" No We Still Needs To Check

Y/N's Room (Everyone Looks Towards Me)

"Y/N" (Coughs) Okay Then Let's Go

(Inside The Room )

"Tae" You Said The Dolls Were On The Bedside table?

"Y/N" Yess But Why It's Not Here ? Let's Search It Must Be Here Somewhere...

"Kira" I'll Go Search In The Bathroom

"Y/N" Alright...

~Everyone Started Searching For The Doll ....

"Y/N" What're These Red Curtains Doing Here In The Corner? Looks Like There's Something Behind Them I Slowly Moves Towards The Curtains, My Hands Were Inches Away From Them ...

"JK" Y/n What're You Doing?

"Y/N" ( Did He Just Called Me By My Name !!! Eomma Your Daughter Has Finally Gotten All That Luck She Was Lacking Her Whole Life (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) Aishhh) (coughs) There's Something Behind This ..

"Jk" Be Careful ( comes closer)

~I Opened The Curtains, What Came Into My Sight Left Me All Shooked , I Turned Around To Look At Jk, And He's Looking At The Thing Behind The Curtains In Horror...
