Chapter 62: "I'm going to kill uncle Adam!"

Knock knock

A short while later someone could be heard knocking on the room's doors.

"Douglas, little Leo it's Ryuu." Ryuu came to his friend's room as soon as he heard that Leo and Luna had returned.

"Come in," Leo spoke with a deep voice, it was time. He was about to unveil his intentions, most likely emotionally scarring his father.

Ryuu walked into the room with heavy steps and closed the doors behind him. He nodded towards Leo and his dying friend, the pain in his eyes easily visible.

Now that everyone involved had arrived Leo took a deep breath and hardened his resolve. Giving a signal to those taking part he took a seat across from his mother and father.

Bastion took up a position near the door to prevent anyone intruding, Luna sat next to Leo for support whereas Frost and Maya sat together on a nearby sofa. The atmosphere changed with Ryuu's arrival. Even in his pain filled state Douglas could feel that something was wrong.

He looked to his wife for answers, but she was also in the dark, turning towards his son he was about to ask what was going on.

"Uncle Ryuu" Leo gave Ryuu a signal with his eyes, receiving a nod in return.


Ryuu quickly cast an air element spell called silence, it created a soundproof barrier isolating the bedroom from the rest of the manor. No words would escape this room. Ryuu's actions caused Douglas and Cassandra's skin to crawl.

"Father" Leo looked into his father's eyes and spoke with a heavy tone.

'Best to rip of the band aid quickly.' It'd get them nowhere to prance around the subject without saying it outright. Leo faced his father not as a son to his father but as a noble and heir to the viscount title. Feeling the gravity of his son's tone, Douglas forced himself to sit up straight and faced his son as a noble.

'Is he forcibly taking control of the viscounty?' Douglas actually looked forward to this moment, he wished for his son to be more assertive and make a move for rulership before he passed. This way he could give him advice and assist him in cementing his position before he passed away. He couldn't help but smile with pride however what Leo said next, he was not prepared for.

"I'm going to kill uncle Adam!"


Douglas felt as though a bomb went off in his head.

"Eh....wait what?" His elation crashed down unexpectedly, he knew that his younger brother wasn't a good man and would most likely compete to become the new viscount but killing him. Douglas felt a freezing cold shiver go down his spine and his face became even more pale; a sense of fear filled his body.

His son was a kind and gentle soul, always helping the less fortunate and taking nothing for granted. Douglas struggled to align the image he had of his son with the man sitting before him. He turned subconsciously to his long-time friends Ryuu and Bastion, but they were unfazed. In fact, he could he see determination and admiration in their eyes as they looked at Leo. He then turned to his wife who at some point had clenched his hand with a fair amount of force. He was about to clasp her hand with his own in order to comfort her before he heard something even more unexpected.

"It's about damn time!" His wife spoke with such viciousness that he reeled backwards, not just his son and friends but now his wife also agreed with killing his younger brother.

'What the hell's going on?' Douglas's lips were twitching; he'd never been so surprised and shocked in his entire life.

"L…Leo he's…your uncle…" Before he could finish speaking his wife violently turned to face him, her eyes were cold and emotionless, he felt afraid.

"Douglas… shut up!" Cassandra stared deep into her husband's eyes, pressuring him to keep quiet. She wasn't as naïve as Douglas and Leo; she knew full well what kind of man Adam was but was powerless to interfere because of Douglas's stance. How many times had Luna come crying to her in regards to her treatment by the house staff in the past two years. How many times has she heard Ryuu, and Bastion complain to her and ask her to speak to her husband on their behalf. How many times had she had been looked at with contempt by her own servants. Enough was enough, her son now sat before them saying he was going to kill the source of all this grief. She even suspected that her husband's illness was not natural but held her tongue since she didn't have any evidence. Douglas was strong and healthy how could he suddenly fall into such a state out of the blue.

Under the intense glare of his wife and the ever increasing grip on his hand, Douglas visibly shrunk in stature, unable to even look in his wife's direction he could only meekly respond with.

"Yes dear," getting the response she desired Cassandra smiled and faced her son full of pride telling him to continue.

Leo flinched under his mother's gaze, entirely taken by surprise by her stance. He severely underestimated his mother, he viewed her as a gentle and meek woman. He couldn't have been more wrong. He felt less pressure now with what he was about to tell them.

"Well, I guess I should explain." Leo looked at Luna who was close to tears already, he grasped her hand in his before regaling of the true events of the red bandit attack from a few days ago as well as his findings since he had returned.

The more he spoke the colder his mother's face became and his father who at the start was shocked and afraid was filled with wrath and malice.

"Bastard!" Ignoring the pain from his body Douglas shouted and tossed one of his pillows at a nearby vase, knocking it to the floor, causing it to shatter. His breathing was erratic, and his face was red and filled with anger.

'Piece of shit! after everything I've done for you…you god damn piece of fucking shit!' Douglas screamed internally, he'd never been so angry, if he had the strength he'd go and execute his younger brother right now no, that thing was no longer his younger brother. Douglas was not unaware of the trend of there being no love between noble families, but the Furanos were supposed to be different. He treated his young brother well over the years and listened to his mother's final request to take care of him, yet this is how he's repaid. Not only poisoning his elder brother but even attempting to assassinate his nephew and for what, the viscount title, management of the Furano viscounty.

'Ptew,' he spat in disgust at the idea. He'd had control of it for the past two years and what has he got to show for it nothing, no worse than nothing. The territory's on the brink of bankruptcy and the hard work he endured to end poverty was being undone. Underworld gangs taking control, crime rates increasing, the cost of living quickly escalating, Leo even showed him some documents involving illegal slavery of his citizens.

While Douglas was fuming and wriggling in his bed in pain, Lady Cassandra was frozen stiff, her face was pale, and eyes were dark. She didn't hear anything after Adam trying to assassinate her little Leo and her Luna, the bastard even provided his goon with Wyvern venom to ensure a painful death. She looked at her baby sitting there with his hands shaking. Her motherly instincts kicked in, tears ran down her face, she ran towards Leo and swept him up in a hug as she wailed in pain. Her precious baby boy.

Bastion and Ryuu could be seen gnashing their teeth and occasionally wiping away a tear whereas Luna wailed along with Cassandra as she was hugged along with Leo.

Frost and Maya however felt incredibly awkward, unsure how to act, they looked at one another in silence. Frost only needed to give his account of what happened in the monster lair, in particular about the wyvern venom coated needles that Alex used. They were outsiders in this group.

Eventually Leo calmed his mother down and Ryuu and Bastion restrained Douglas to prevent any further damage to his body.

"Sniffle sob sob," Cassandra was sniffling and lightly crying, her eyes were puffy, and her beautiful blue dress was wet with tears. She looked over at Frost, the man who saved her babies. Standing up she leaped over towards him, taking him by surprise, she hugged him.

"Ugh" Cassandra wasn't very strong, so Frost wasn't knocked off balance however his robes were becoming wet as she cried into his chest and two large mounds were pressing against his abdomen, he didn't know how to react. Cassandra was a very beautiful woman; you'd never guess that she was a mother. Her figure was almost as good as Maya's, and she was now vulnerable and pressing her figure against him.

'Shit seriously Frost, come on.' He couldn't help but blush and feel ashamed, he'd be lying if he said he didn't find her attractive but there's a time and place for everything, plus she's married. Before a certain area reacted on instinct, he pushed her away from his body and wiped away her tears.

Instantly realising how inappropriate her actions were Cassandra blushed, unable to face Frost.

'What did I just do, hugging a young man I don't know and in front of my husband, how shameless….' But her eyes couldn't help but drift towards as certain part on Frost's body, although slight she definitely felt it react. She couldn't' help but smile with pride at that notion, she was still attractive at her age.

"Thank you, Mr Frost, for saving my son and daughter in law." Cassandra bowed and spoke sincerely, she owed this man a great debt. Frost now no longer blushing responded curtly.

"It was my pleasure Lady Cassandra." He could feel a strong killing intent being directed at his back, yet no one else noticed. If anyone looked in Maya's direction right now, they'd see her eyes wide open and fixed in Frost's direction.

Cassandra cried a little more after Frost's response before returning to her husband's bedside.

Now that everything had been said they needed to discuss their response.

"Father I've made sufficient provisions with uncle Ryuu and uncle Bastion, and with Frost-senpai assisting we have enough manpower to strike at uncle Adam and ensure he can't escape." Adam was not staying in the lord's manor but in his own mansion, it was much grander and better decorated than the lord's mansion, it also had a much more in depth security.

Using some of the underworld groups with grudges against Adam they were able to gain the basic floor plans of the compound as well as details about his security. In the operation they will be severely outmanned. Unfortunately, there's nothing they can do about that since they couldn't openly recruit aid but in terms of fire power, they should be superior.

Although they are older and retired Bastion and Ryuu were both B-rank adventurers, very rarely seen strength in the Furano viscounty.

"What do you need from me son?" Douglas asked sternly, personally he couldn't be much help given his condition but even though he was ill, he's still the current viscount, some guards and servants would still be loyal to him.

"Our home…I need you to clean out our home." His father was still the ruler of this house, he had the power to remove people from the property, and the stronger of the house guards should still listen to his orders. While he attacks Adam's compound, he needed to make sure his father and mother weren't taken hostage, but he couldn't spare any strength.

Douglas and his wife frowned, they understood Leo's intentions, they looked at one another unable to confidently reply to their son. All it took was a single traitor and he and his wife could then be used against their son and his friends. Douglas thought of the few guards that would listen to his orders without question, unfortunately they were few.

Douglas sighed before replying.

"I can do at least that much." Douglas spoke with confidence, unless someone as strong as Ryuu or Bastion made a move he'd be able to effectively clean up his house. He'd start with that traitorous head butler.