Chapter 77: Operation New dawn

"Ah Frost-senpai you've arrived." When Frost appeared at top of the grand stairwell he was met with a loud and slightly nervous voice. Leo called out to him; he was fully geared up in metal armour, yet it didn't look to be too much. Frost could even see a glistening vestment under his clothes. He looked like a noble knight heading out to war, it suited him.

'That shiny vest is probably his trump card.' Douglas and Cassandra wouldn't allow their son to walk dead straight into the wolves den without something to ensure his protection.

'it's probably mithril or something similar.' Frost scoffed, even a full blow from his glaive wouldn't be able to cut through it and the vest's structure would dissipate most of the impact. Mithril also had the annoying feature of being magic resistant, though not as good as orichalcum it's lighter and easily hidden by clothes.

The armour was slightly too large for Leo, probably his father's armour, he was just borrowing it.

Frost's gaze then drifted over to the young woman standing by Leo's side, she was fidgeting, clearly anxious. She was armed with a brand new staff, since the last one was broken. The crystal on top was of a higher quality, much more than required for her level of spell casting.

'Eh?' Frost could feel mana being emitted from Luna's robes, just like his, they were imbued with magic. Luna's however clearly had some over the top protection magic placed on them, hell Frost's instincts were telling him that her defence was even higher than Leo's.

He turned to face the former B-rank mage Ryuu.

'What a doting father.' Ryuu clearly imbued Luna's robes with some of his most powerful magic. Frost could see Ryuu hands trembling a little and a few beads of sweat were trickling down his forehead.

'He must have expended a fair amount of mana and mental strength to create them.' Feeling Frost's stare, Ryuu smiled and nodded his way, indicating that he was fine.

And while Luna's attention was drawn away Ryuu quickly downed a mana potion, he couldn't let his daughter witness him being weak. His action drew a snigger from his long-time friend Bastion.

The two old men were geared just a tad more than usual, Ryuu carried an extra single-handed staff whereas Bastion had a few pieces of high-quality metal armour and carried a large battle-axe over his shoulders. Similar to the one the bandit boss Red Hawk wielded but of much, much higher quality, surpassing even Frost's recent purchase.

B-rank adventurers wouldn't have shoddy equipment, especially ones as accomplished as these two. Frost felt his own equipment, other than the high-ranking glaive in his storage ring, he was only wearing leather armour, and it was gifted. Once again, he felt the difference in wealth. Frost sighed as he walked down the stairs.

"Is it time?"

"Yeah, it's time." Leo answered with determination, but his eyes shook. He was nervous, very nervous. Leo was born with great survival instincts almost as though he had a unique skill that would guide him to a safe path. The closer the time for the operation drew the more his instinct warned him of danger. That was why he decided to take the mithril vest. He shared his worries with his father who saw fit to bequeath him his old armour and Ryuu saw to enhancing Luna's robes, but the feeling didn't fade.

Leo looked up at the people assisting him tonight, 2 former B-rank adventurers and Frost, someone of unknown strength but at the minimum D-rank. Along with the more than a dozen adventurers that were roped in by Bastion already moving into position Leo felt confident, quashing down his instincts, he clenched his fists and his eyes filled with resolve.

"Operation New Dawn begins now." With Leo's strong announcement everyone smiled, Leo and Luna smiling due the atmosphere whereas Ryuu, Bastion and Frost were smiling because they finally got permission to let loose. Ryuu and Bastion had been on edge ever since Leo and Luna went missing, it took all their restraint to not rampage right into Adam's compound and take care of him outright. And now they had been given free rein. Leo would lead them to Adam's compound where he would announce Adam's crimes and his punishment, Death. Of course, he wouldn't willingly present his head, so they had to take it.


"Hahaahah" Ryuu and Bastion started to laugh evilly, Ryuu especially. It was his daughter and possible son in law- he hadn't quite sanctioned their future marriage yet, if possible, he'd never allow his daughter to marry but that's a different topic- that were put in grave danger. He'll be taking out all his anger and stress from that situation tonight, and he'd relish it.

Leo and Luna didn't detect the subtle nuances behind the three's laughs and simply laughed along with them.

"The five of us will grandly and openly march towards Adam's compound and announce his fate." Leo pulled out a piece of parchment filled with words.

"The current viscount of the Furano territory my father Douglas Furano has sanctioned the arrest and execution of Baron Adam Furano on the grounds of treason against the ruling lord." Leo boldly read out the details highlighted on the parchment. At the bottom of the page was three signatures, Douglas, Cassandra, and Leo's, three members of the ruling family and beneath them was a stamp donning their house's sigil, an ice griffin with the moon as the backdrop. Mana could be felt from the stamp, proof of its legitimacy.

Only Douglas had the right to use such a stamp, and only on special documents. Sanctioning the execution of a traitor and one that is a noble condoned such an occasion. Since Adam's barony was granted not by the royal family but by the Furano house, they had the right to deal with in house problems without receiving permission from the emperor. However, they did have to have some kind of evidence and submit a formal report, the ruling lord must also sanction such an action with their house stamp otherwise the ruling family would step in and cast judgement.

Thankfully Leo made sure to procure such items before acting against Adam otherwise he and his parents could be the ones on the chopping block. With this signed and stamped document, Adam was done for, even if he somehow escapes, he'll have no foothold in Furano, he'll be a wanted man.

Once showing the precious document, Leo tucked it back into his pocket, behind the mithril vest.

"Let's move" Leo turned around and opened the manor's doors, leading the group of five people out. His parents had already wished him luck and fortune and retreated to the bedroom along with Maya just in case, Adam had someone else on his payroll.


The grand doors of the manor creaked open as Leo opened them both at once.

It was now night-time, a couple hours after sunset, most people were indoors at this time as the temperature was too cold to be out and about. Furano didn't have too many streetlights making their movements very well hidden within the darkness.

The group boarded a carriage that was prepared earlier, it lacked the Furano crest and looked like a standard merchant's carriage. This way they wouldn't raise any red flags as they moved. The driver was Edwin, one of Leo's most trusted servants. He'd already been informed of their destination as well as his duties. He was simply their driver, nothing more. He wouldn't involve himself in the battle and would drop them off a few blocks away from the compound.

"Young master" Edwin bowed towards Leo, he knew what was happening tonight well he assumed, Leo didn't tell him everything, but Edwin was smart, he could connect the dots.

"Edwin, you know your role tonight?" Leo questioned

"Yes, young master, I'm a driver for a local merchant and I'm transporting goods to his residence." This was their cover story in case anyone questioned Edwin.

"Good, let's be off then." Leo moved forward and opened up the carriage door before stretching his hand out to aid Luna.

Luna smiled and accepted Leo's hand entering the carriage first. Leo followed in after proceeded by Frost and then Ryuu and Bastion. The carriage was just big enough to carry 5 adults without being too cramped. It'll take them about an hour to reach Adam's compound by carriage.

"Hyahhh" once everyone had alighted, Edwin snapped the horse's reigns, and the carriage started its journey.

The atmosphere within the carriage was incredibly tense, everyone was on edge. Leo repeatedly checked his weapon while Luna gripped her staff. They were the weakest people involved in this operation, regardless of their high defence capabilities it was still a frightening scenario for them.

"Luna, Leo relax, Bastion and I are with you, nothing will happen." Ryuu patted his daughter's and Leo's shoulders while smiling.

"Plus, Frost here will be with you the entire time." Ryuu then gave Frost a serious look. He was leaving their primary protection in the hands of this young man before them.

Frost nodded and smiled toward Luna and Leo to reassure them, allowing them to release a sigh of relief.

'Well as long as you haven't severely underestimated Adam's strength.' Frost remembered Maya's warning; he couldn't place himself at risk just for two humans regardless of how fond he was of them.

Their carriage ride went smoothly, no one stopped Edwin on the way. Occasionally a few other drivers would wave as they passed by but that was it. They should still be under the radar.

Knock knock

Bastion was keeping an eye out on their surroundings from behind the curtain covering the window. He knocked on the driver's window to have him stop.

"Edwin let us off here." Bastion was looking for signals from the 14 adventurers as they were travelling. 'Everyone's in place' was the message he just received through a series of light flashes. They were a few blocks away from Adam's compound and the large gate with on duty guards could be seen in the distance.

"Woaahhh" Edwin pulled in the reigns bringing the carriage to a swift halt.

"We're here Leo." Bastion looked at his nephew with pride, it was Leo's duty to lead them tonight, they were merely aids.

"Un" Leo nodded in response before opening the carriage door.

"Let's go it's time to bring my uncle to justice and bring in a new dawn for Furano." The idea behind the operation name 'new dawn' was that by removing the scourge known as Baron Adam, it would greatly curb the actions of the underworld and restore control to true ruling family i.e., Douglas and Leo.

Frost smiled as his heart filled with excitement.

'Finally,' he patted the cloth covered item hidden within his sleeves.

The group quickly descended from the carriage, they were quite a sight to behold and would surely attract a large amount of attention if this was during daylight.

"Edwin, remain here or out of sight nearby; we'll call you over once we're finished here." Leo looked at Edwin with a serious expression.

"Understood young master…good luck." Edwin bowed again and wished his master luck before moving the carriage to somewhere more out of sight.

"Halt who goes there!" One of the armed guards standing in front of Adam's compound yelled out as the group approached. It was dark and he was a low-level grunt, so he didn't recognise Leo or anyone else. He raised his spear and pointed it at the possible intruders.

"A mere guard dares to raise his weapon in the front of the future lord of this territory, you must have a death wish!" Bastion moved in front of Leo protecting his future liege. Doing very little to hide his anger, Bastion unleashed his aura and killing intent, causing the low level guard to squirm and squeak in fear. He almost soiled himself then and there. The aura of a former B-rank adventurer was nothing to sneeze at.

Aura was one of the dividing factors in strength, high level monsters and people could turn their power into an aura that would subdue weaker opponents. Dragons in particular were known as the king of monsters due to their innate aura that many referred to as dragon fear. Even A-rank adventurers would feel instinctively pressured when facing a dragon, lowering their battle prowess.

The low level guard was merely a glorified thug, similar in strength to the bandit underlings Frost feasted on a few days ago, merely remaining on his feet was considered admirable.

"Uncle that's enough, we're here on official business and we can't expect everyone to recognise my appearance, especially a simple doorman." Leo tapped his uncle's shoulder and looked at the gate guard with fake pity as he insulted his worth.

"Hmph very well Leo." Bastion removed his aura that was surrounding the near incoherent gate guard before scowling at the remaining one.