Chapter 80: Assaulting the compound

Leo's declaration generated an eery silence as Adam and his group were stunned. They couldn't believe what they just heard, looking at one another with gazes saying, 'did I hear him right?'

"Hahahahahahah," the silence was quickly extinguished by a roaring laughter. Adam was laughing so loudly and so honestly that he almost pulled a stitch. He hadn't heard anything so hilarious in his entire life. His nephew would forcibly drag him from his balcony hahahaha, he really must be an idiot.

With the boss loudly laughing the goons swiftly joined in, mocking Leo and his group.

"I guess you're not coming willingly then Baron Adam." Leo looked up at his uncle with contempt as if he was the fool.

"Tch" annoyed by his nephew gaze, Adam loudly clicked his tongue, and his expression became vicious. Halting his laughter, he looked down at his nephew and his entourage as though they were annoying pests before releasing a sigh.