Chapter 115: Returning to the manor (2)

"Ah! My poor little boy you look terrible." Cassandra rapidly stood up and ran over to Leo, sweeping him up in a bear hug. Leo truly did look worse for wear; his clothes were torn up and he was covered in blood. Cassandra almost died of fright seeing her baby boy in such a condition.

"Oww oww owww mom it hurts let go." Leo complained in pain, low level health potions had their limits, so Leo's bones were still bruised and or cracked in places. Cassandra quickly released her son from her crushing hug, afraid to cause him more pain.

"Leo you're safe thank goodness…did you succeed… is my brother dealt with?" Douglas spoke up with difficulty, pain in his eyes.

Leo moved away from his mother, handing Luna over to her as a compromise.

"Yes, father… it's over."