Chapter 134: Returning to the Dungeon (volume 3)

Frost led his group silently forward into the Northrend forest. It'd take them at least a full day to reach the Dungeon, likely more given that Nanna and Loki were with them. They may be resilient and strong of will, but they were still children, they could only walk so fast and so far in a single go without rest or food. Frost was unsure what the best method would be, for him and Maya they could easily carry on throughout the night without even stopping to snack or catch their breath. 

They could either camp out when it got dark and eat the lovely bentos prepared by Kathy before resting for the night. Part of the supplies contained within Frost's backpacks was camping gear, fire kindling, tents, water canteens etc… he was inclined to try out these new items that he purchased for such a situation, but something was eating away at him in regards to the Dungeon.