Chapter 157: Introductions

With Dark's announcement, everyone in the room turned towards him, their eyes filled with reverence, some clearly more than others, practically fawning. Even Pyro looked towards Dark with admiration, his anger completely deflating. 

Yami kept his stoic expression while removing the overbearing darkness that encompassed Pyro. He listened to his father without complaint, taking a step back, no longer involving himself in this argument between his younger siblings. 

With the weight removed from Pyro's body he rose up off his knees, back to his over 3 metre hulking frame. His eyes fixed upon Dark, feeling ashamed inside for showing such an embarrassing situation.

Frost too was looking up at his father with pride, subconsciously dusting off his robes and tidying up his hair. Wanting to appear in perfect form.

Dark smiled gently towards Yami, before gazing over his other children. Each of them looking different from the last, but his children they were.