Chapter 161: Next stage of the gathering

"Next second place, Aqua, my eldest daughter for you I grant a spell book, the 4th circle spell [summon water elemental] hopefully you find great use of it given your magically tendencies." Dark summoned a highly decorative book this time, that floated before Aqua. Though she was skilled in weapons and physical combat, she preferred to command water in battle and Dark knew this. Therefore, he granted her magic, much to the jealously of Void and Chronos who were biting their lips, their eyes glistening with desire. Even them with their magical tendencies hadn't unlocked or even touched upon the boundaries of 4th circle magic.

Aqua took hold of the book, gently holding it against her large chest as she performed a courtesy towards Dark. "Thank you for your generous gift father." She then stepped back into the crowd, walking tall and magnanimous, far different from Pyro. Next was the final prize for the oldest and highest ranked dungeon core, Yami.