Chapter 196: High rank earth flame

"There, all the monsters have been replaced." Frost then contacted Findlay about the sudden surge of new residents and ordered him to handle their placement. He still planned to purchase a great many more things, monsters included but first he planned to discuss the rest of the gathering's events. "Findlay will take care of the monster management, now where was I? Oh yes the rewards."

"Gobuske was a tough opponent but thankfully we prevailed in the end and were rewarded for it." Frost then brought out the rewards-minus the wine of the abyss just in case a certain someone abuses their super speed to snatch it. The 10000DP obviously couldn't be brought out and revealed but he could show off his current DP reserves through the menu which got a round of appreciating nods. Each of them knew roughly how much things cost DP wise so seeing such a large number they couldn't help but feel rich.