Chapter 242: Battling a great frost centipede

"Srceeeeeeeeeee" a bone chilling screech left the mouth of the centipede,- its version of a roar- before it bent backwards like a bow, priming its massive body for an attack. 

Frost's brow rose as his hair stood on end warning him of impending danger. listening to his instincts he rapidly darted to the side and a moment later, the wind before him was pierced. The centipede launched its upper body like a spring, generating a sonic boom from the rapid acceleration before. 


Where Frost was previously standing there was now a significant crater and plumes of ice dust. The centipede smashed its own body against the ground, destroying the ice floor before receding back to an upright position, completely unharmed. Its powerful carapace allowed it to endure great impact damage without the slightest injury. Many of its opponents are stunned by this attack making the rest of its battles easy.