Chapter 249: Ice revenant

"The final floor's boss is currently said to be an ice revenant." The moment Sam said that knowledge came to the forefront of Frost's mind, a mixture of information he learned from his books as well as Maya. 

Ice revenants were powerful C-rank monsters, akin to half spirits. Their bodies were part physical and part ethereal, their cores were situated within their chests and their base body was made of chilling ice mana in the form of a humanoid, all protected by thick powerful armour. The monster was similar to living armours, yet its origin was not darkness aligned and contained intelligence, nor were they ghostly or soul based. The best representation were spirits, yet they were different thus the term half spirit. This however didn't make them any less of an opponent. Ice revenants were powerful close combat monsters and boasted high defence, with very little weaknesses plus they were very adept magic users, not a simple opponent even by C-rank standards.