Chapter 270: The heart of a monster lair

Frost suggested splitting the treasure chest rewards three ways, the magic device for him, the pretty blue 3 star leather boots for Lola and the Wintermorn rose for Sam. 

"Eh?" Sam was blown away by Frost's suggestion, his brow furrowed. The Wintermorn rose was clearly the most valuable of the three items by far. He and Lola had already stated that Frost would get the majority of the rewards from beating the ice revenant since they required his aid, so Sam didn't feel right. He looked to his wife for aid, but she simply nodded her head, agreeing with Frost's suggestion. Not out of greed but because she saw the sparkle in her husband's eyes as he held the flower.

"Sam I've got no need for it; besides it suits you better." Frost continued to push his suggestion as did Lola.

"Yeah out of the three of us who better to take care of a flower plus you did land the last blow on the ice revenant."