Chapter 302: A peeved wife

Sam looked up to the sky that had started to grow dark, time was moving on, and his darling wife was most likely in dire need of rescue.

"Come on Frost let's head back to the manor." Sam looked back at Frost who was carrying a few of his recently purchased items, while the rest were placed in his storage rings.

"Sounds good, what about Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren?" 

"Druakai should have brought them back to the manor by now and if not well…. either Chia or Lola would drag their little butts back." Sam didn't seem worried about his children who were left with Druakai. Frost however wasn't as optimistic, nothing against Druakai of course more…..

"You sure you won't catch some flak; they were left in your care after all?"