Chapter 309: The fifth floor

The breakfast served was a fry up, filled with a selection of eggs, sausages, bacon, fruit, and scones made of potato as well as tomatoes. With a great many of the ingredients being of monster meat. Yarrow of course as he was on the mend was given a very generous helping of meat as dictated by Doctor Mira. But even without that he needed meat to recover after last night's grand battle, Sam was the same, his choices practically mirroring his father in laws. 

Seeing their voracious appetites Chia and Lola felt a strong pang of hunger as well though not for food. Their hands slipping onto their husband's legs causing them to jolt up and look at their respective wives almost in disbelief. Didn't they satisfy them enough last night? This question however was quickly forgotten because it didn't matter, they had no reason to refuse such an advance. They both kissed their wives on the cheek and whispered sweet nothings into their ears.