Chapter 317: Alone with Daki (5)

"That would be wonderful, I've not had anyone to really learn from since my father passed." Daki exclaimed with happiness before a pain looked filled her eyes. Her father was her master in the smith trade, taught her everything she knew. He passed away several years ago, something she took really hard given how close they were. 

Frost saw the pained looked in Daki's eyes and felt hurt. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up painful memories." 

"No, it's fine he passed away several years ago and you didn't know, I'm not sad just filled with nostalgia…..I'm sure he would have liked you." She wiped away a couple tears as an image of her father's proud smile flashed in her mind. He was a good dad and a great teacher; it was a shame he'd never get to meet Frost.