Chapter 343: Rift between parents and child

'Where's Leo and Luna?' Frost asked himself. 

Douglas, Ryuu, Bastion, and likely Cassandra were hard at work preparing for the monster stampede, yet he saw no sign of Leo or Luna, the supposed heirs to the territory. Wasn't Douglas supposed to be grooming him to take over?

When they chatted over the communication crystal it was clear that Leo was being worked to bone, Douglas and his wife dumping a lot of responsibility on his shoulders while they rekindled their passion so to speak. 

Frost fully expected to see an exhausted Leo hard at work like everyone else or at least for Douglas to bring up his son in conversation but he noticeably avoided the topic. He had to admit he was rather curious about what became of his young friend and his fiancé.

'He couldn't have eloped with Luna after being unable to endure the heavy workload or his parents' marital activities, could he?' Frost didn't peg Leo for the running away type, Luna even less so.