Chapter 400: Unique monster creation (11)

Don Don Don

Bodies continued to fall lifelessly to the ground as the battle waged on. Those killed by the ghosts would see their skin turn grey and ashen, their corpses becoming cursed entities, ruining their material value. 

The ghosts that perished left nothing but a small amount of ectoplasm, the concentrated essence of their being, a key ingredient in many potions and artificing blueprints. However in the grand melee that was the current battlefield this ectoplasm became corrupted, impure as the blood of the many deceased boars seeped in, dyeing it red. Its value also plummeting. This was a battle filled with loss both in life and money.

But such a situation was the least of their worries right now, the ghosts were formidable enemies, too formidable in many cases.



"Plop, Plop!"