Chapter 463: Maggie

"Relax kids Maggie's here to save the day." 

A woman nearing 7 feet tall and with a muscular frame that surpassed even Hamon dashed from behind Frost and Artemis with a bright smile. 

She appeared before the two young men, protecting them from the oncoming stone club. She licked her lips in appreciation and tightened her grip around her weapon. A comically large hammer that obviously weighed more than a 100kg. 

Frost superimposed the image of Maya on this woman's back finding them similar for a brief moment.

"SMAAAAASSSSHHHH!!!" The cyclops cared not for the change in target as long as it could crush something it. It's massive club swiftly reached this Maggie with impressive force; the very air being pressurised into a sonic boom.