Chapter 484: Victory?

"My turn asshole!" Frost loudly cursed as he intensified his grip on the rindar's leg and forcibly lifted it off his head with a powerful yank. 

The rindar was pulled off balance and completely caught by surprise, didn't he just win? Didn't Frost collapse due to being unable to continue anymore?

As Frost yanked the rindar's leg he swiftly rose up to a standing position and readied his glaive to chop off the foot that dared to stand upon his royal head.

"[Earth's upheaval]" With a mighty roar he activated the advanced glaive skill [Earth's upheaval], an upward slashing attack that was normally ideal for launching the target into the air but would serve just as well in severing a limb. 

A large boulder formed behind the glaive adding to its weight and power. Frost's aura then infused into blade seamlessly before he swung violently upwards.
