Chapter 527: Hard labour

"That's...a problem." Frost said with a developed frown. DP was the dungeon's lifeblood, wantonly abandoning a significant chunk of it was not a wise move but building a protective wall around the camp wasn't something they could avoid either. They needed some way to both attract adventurers and future residents as well as allow the wandering monsters and beasts to enter the dungeon's purview though doing so defeated the purpose of a defensive wall.

Frost was truly stumped in regards to this issue and hadn't thought about the camp's impact on the natural monsters. 

As his frown grew and grew Findlay brought up other issues that needed to be dealt with.

"On a not so impactful note we'll need to start developing a sturdy gate for the camp's entrance as well as purchase new war machines to dot the walls once they're finished. The stampede saw us lose all but one machine though its condition is anything but stellar."