Chapter 542: Realm of monsters

Frost felt a little guilty with his wishy washy answer, but Yarrow and Lola were completely blown away by it. To them his progress was completely astounding, not only were there defences in place, but buildings were also starting to be constructed and divided into their assigned districts.

They had no reason to doubt that a camp situated around one of the new monster lairs, referred to as dungeons wouldn't draw a lot of attention. The main issue was whether Frost could claim the territory fast enough and establish his own fief before the vultures swooped in. 

For Frost to say that his territory would be able to facilitate genuine trade within a few months at the earliest to a year at the latest was completely mind blowing. They expected over a year at minimum, likely two or perhaps even three before his territory became ready for external dealings with other territories. The two looked at the young man as if he was full of mystery.