Chapter 569: Duel with Indra (3)

It was quite the sight for Nanna and Loki to see upon their return to the private space. Their master who they loved and adored was being physically restrained by Maya and Daki while they force fed him some sort of blue coloured stew that smelled absolutely divine. However his tears and the bright red tint strewn across his face obviously meant that this wasn't some sort of romantic situation. 

"Uhm?" Nanna being the older of the two spoke up. 

"Mmhmmnnnn." Frost tried to garble a request for help but was quickly silenced by another spoonful from Daki. 

"Be quiet and finish your meal." Maya ordered as she repositioned herself to better restrain him. If he wasn't being force fed such an evil concoction he would have probably relished in having her and Daki wrapped around him but that was not the case.