Chapter 579: The federation of knowledge (2)

With the mood lightened, Frost, Maya, Terrance and Ladius took their seats while the rest remained standing. The official meeting between Frost; the lord of the camp they were in as well as the one with the greatest knowledge in regards to the dungeon and the federation of knowledge's investigation team was thus underway.

"Well to get started let me say that I'm aware of your identity to some extent Lord Frost." Miss Palmer started out swinging.

"Urgh….would you mind elaborating Miss Palmer." Frost was caught  by surprise, not expecting the lead investigator to open with something so provocative. 

"Hehehehe please call me Ladius Lord Frost, to have someone like yourself greet me with such respect would be rather unbecoming of my station no?" Ladius smiled mischievously making Frost's lips twitch. 

"Please don't tease me Ladius I get enough of that from her." He gestured towards Maya who arched her chest out with pride.