Chapter 625: Punishments

"Now for the punishments and forfeit challenges." Said Dark in a very cold tone as he eyed over the Dungeon cores who sat on the last ten places of the leaderboard. "Will the bottom ten please step forward." He asked with a smile that wasn't a smile. 

The bottom ten placeholders felt their skin crawl and bones tremble while under that gaze but not a single one of them was brave enough to disobey. Soon ten nervous Dungeon cores were standing before Dark with their heads hung low, wishing for this display to be over and done with as soon as possible.

"Since I am rewarding those who do well in these rankings it's only right that I punish those that do not exceed in equal measure thus giving you all something to strive for as well as desperately avoid." Dark smile seemed to grow more and more mischievous as he spoke a sign that his form of punishment was sure to be something funny in his eyes.

"This is either going to be really good or traumatising."