Chapter 628: Bringing the second gathering to a close (end of volume 9)

"So in creating us your soul became fragmented and thus you've had to endure bouts of mania and extreme aggression." Frost summarised what Dark told them.

"Yes and it seems to be far more problematic than I first anticipated…right now I'm too dangerous to be left unchecked so I'm having Diablos call an old friend. With him helping me out I should be able to find some solution to my current predicament." He had great faith in Erebus' discretion and capabilities.

"I see….is there anything we can do to help?"

"No, not now at least. Just keep developing and living your lives, seeing that brings me joy." Though he appreciated their willingness to help there was nothing his children could do at least with their current strength. 

As the rest of the Dungeon cores came to, the older siblings helped ease the fears held by their younger siblings thus saving the relationship between them and their father.