Chapter 634: Fierce operation (2)

"Haaaaa finally we're out!" A tall woman with a very muscular physique loudly announced as she and three other woman with similar physiques left the Dungeon and returned to the Camp after a 3 day delve that saw them reach all the way to the 9th floor. 

"I'm going to need to bathe for a week to get all the blood, gore and stains out of me." A second woman trembled all over as she sniffed under her arms finding the smell truly revolting for someone who cared very deeply about cleanliness. 

Despite the use of cleaning magic there was just some things that needed a good old fashioned scrub to get rid of. 

"Bathing will have to wait girls; we've got loot to unload and a quest to turn in." The leader of these amazonian women was the last to exit and she stood at least half a head taller than the others and was at least 15% more muscular.