Chapter 683: Which path?

"That must have been nice." Frost imagined a young Avira smiling joyfully as her mother, the Empress of Northrend took time to teach her the art of cooking. 

"It was….I miss her so much." Avira dwelled in her memories, tears forming in her eyes as the image of her mother giggling by her side, telling her all about how she won her father's heart. Heartwarming scenes that she'd never get to experience again. Her brother robbed her of that gift.

Thinking of her hateful brother anger flourished in her heart ruining the moment.

"Anyway we don't need to hire someone I'll prepare the food." She wiped her eyes and forced a smile.

"Great, here's what I bought."

Frost unveiled a true bounty, rousing Avira's competitive spirit.

The group -thanks to Avira's efforts- enjoyed a very lavish meal and celebrated until the sky grew dark, only then did they deign to discuss business.