Chapter 725: Generals to the frontline (2)

"You performed marvellously young Frost." General Katrina smiled at Frost as he walked to her side.

"So it was all part of your scheme." Frost glanced at her sideways finding that the woman he saw previously and the one standing before him now were completely different people.

Given her eager, loud and rather boisterous personality Frost assumed that General Katrina was more of an instinctive type, one who overwhelms her opponent with force and will rather than keen strategy, but he was wrong, dead wrong.

"Scheme is such an uncouth word Frost I much prefer strategy." She smiled with a knowing look, enjoying seeing the slight surprise in the young man's eyes.

"Seems that I foolishly judged a book by its cover…a mistake I won't make again."

"Oh you likely will young man. People can't help but make assumptions based on visual input as for most that's our primary source of information. The best you can do is be prepared for your analysis to be wrong."