Chapter 746: Loss

Frost and Kiba carried the wounded Colonel Casper through the catacombs as quickly and as smoothly as possible.

He was unable to see nor hear the 7 Majors doing battle with the enemy nor eventually General Katrina bringing a final end to the day's festivities, but he did manage to hear the loud explosions that collapsed part of the passageways.

His face portrayed a clear look of worry, how many managed to escape in time? Was Kursch still alive?

"Don't dwell on it Frost, they made their choices as did I." Casper spoke words of comfort, but his expression was even tenser and darker than Frost's.

'You lot better return.'

By the time they reached the end of the catacombs and returned to Icethorne the battle was over. Katrina gave her order and moments later the frontlines began their retreat, falling back to behind the northern wall.

The sun had begun to set, and night was creeping in.