Chapter 756: The inner regions (3)


As Kiba lay trembling on the ground Frost appeared above the shuffling razor scaled yeti and stabbed its throat with his glaive, killing it in an instant.

The monster was vulnerable and completely unguarded, making for an easy kill.

"Seems that you've been holding out on me Kiba." Frost said in a playful manner while removing the blood from the glaive's blade edge.

"Garow." Kiba replied through laboured breathing, grumbling about how hard it was to actually use a move his body wasn't strong enough to handle.

"Then you must get stronger, do that and there'll be no backlash." Again the answer was strength, get stronger, train.

"Grrrr." [Fine, you win master.]

Kiba gave up on resisting, his master was right he was far too weak.

"Good boy." Frost kneeled down next to Kiba and scratched him behind the ears in praise, eliciting a happy purr from the young tiger.