Cap 213: Conclusion of the hard battle

"Why the hell are there two Grade S monsters here??!!!!!!"  (I) 

  We can't seem to be distracted for a second in this place, just as I dodged the Death Knight's attack a blade of black energy comes out of my shadow and cuts my arm off. 

  "Aaaaaahh!!!"  (I) 

  "DAD!!!"  (Vanessa/Irina) 

  "MASTER!!!"  (Layla/Érica) 

  "< Sphere of Fire >" (I) 

  I control my blood so it doesn't come out and create a sphere of fire with the hand I still have and place it in the cut to try to close the wound. 

  "Be careful with your shadows and don't stop attacking!"  (I) 

  "Érica help to paralyze him, Layla and Vanessa try to use Light magic on him now that he has no more barriers, Irina go help the others with the Death Knight!"  (I) 

  I resist the pain and urge to scream, try to stay as calm as possible, and start ordering everyone around, all the while using my line skills to tie the Lesser Lich as tightly as possible.