Cap 235: Smooth trip

The day was starting to get dark, I find a nice place where we can all stop and rest where there are some old fallen trees and we can sit. 

  I want to tell everyone how we're going to travel now, so after we've all sat down and started drinking water while eating something, I tell them about everyone going into the Dungeon and leaving Nix traveling overnight. 

  "That's a good way for Farus' troops not to notice our group, we're in a lot of people right now and we'll be discovered sooner or later if we go on foot."  (I) 

  "In addition to taking longer if we go on foot, I can get there much faster by flying."  (Nix) 

  "I heard you guys talking, so I also heard your master plan, I agree."  (Diana) 

  "As I was close I also listened to you, my only problem with your plan is that we will still need a guide to get to the village." (Ivan)