Cap 243: Zenos plans part 1

Sapphire Pov: 

  The moment I saw Jana and Dora I was happy, I was relieved that the two were okay, I was also happy to see that they were accompanying a Fairy and a red-haired woman, but when I saw that woman opened a Dungeon gate using her shadow, I thought it was an enemy, if not for Jana who knelt down asking not to attack, then a battle would have taken place there. 

  As the Keeper had informed me that a Fairy King had passed through the village warning that Jana would return with reinforcements, I decided to trust Jana and not attack, but I almost changed my mind when more people came out of that Dungeon's gate. 

  I looked at each of those people and I was surprised by many things, the first thing that surprised me was the variety of races, the second thing that surprised me was that I discovered an Undead among them, at that moment I was about to attack when I saw that child with red hair and eyes of different colors.