Cap 251: Plan start Part 3

Freya Pov: 

  When the second enemy appeared, things got difficult, I had to help Ivan to finish this Minotaur soon. 

  Ivan kept dodging the Minotaur's attacks, each time he dodged he cuts points on his body where large amounts of blood come out, the Minotaur seems to be getting weaker but is still fighting tightly. 

  I wait for an opportunity and stand with my arrow pointed, focus my mana on the arrow and use a spell creating magic circles around the arrow, with the quality of this bow and arrow I can put two magic circles on the arrow without breaking. 

  So just as Ivan uses a blast of fire under the Minotaur, knocking him into the air, I shoot my arrow into his one good eye. 

  "< Speed ​​Boost > ×2" (I) 

  My arrow was very fast, it hit the target in less than a second, with that I managed to blind the Minotaur.