Cap 265: Fairy Goddess's Request

The last thing I remember is going to bed early to rest after a long day, but now everything around me is dark and I'm alone not knowing what to do or where to go, I don't understand what's going on. 

  "Why is he still sleeping?"  (Goddess Selene) 

  "Can't you see that your soul is hurt?"  (Goddess Aine) 

  "..." (I) 

  "These are not injuries, at most they could be considered some bruises."  (Goddess Selene) 

  "This was probably caused by the God your Fairies are hunting now, it must have been caused when he took the Dungeon core."  (Goddess Selene) 

  "What are we going to do now? I don't want to be healing him all the time, I'm not his private doctor."  (Goddess Aine) 

  "Don't worry, something of this level of damage will heal on its own, it will even make your soul a little tougher."  (Goddess Selene) 

  "..." (I)