Cap 298: Samira

At the moment we are heading towards the coast of the mainland, we are heading in the opposite direction from where the religious armies must be entering the mountain range, I imagine they must be passing through Trigan's Kingdom. 

  What we are going to do is get to the beaches and go around the sea, if I wanted I could go to one of the cities of the Trigan Kingdom that has a commercial port, but I want to leave the Trigan Kingdom and go to one of the smaller Kingdoms, there are many eyes on the Kingdom Trigan at the moment also said I don't know if Prince Drago is still there and I don't want to find him. 

  When I'm away from the mountain range I plan to take a few days to enjoy the beach, everything has been so hectic since I went to Valen town and all I want is to relax for a few days. 

  At the moment I'm inside the Dungeon facing a new problem, I'm with Safira, Ivan, Érica, and Nira.