Cap 328: Two weeks of travel

Pov Anton: 

  Since joining this group I've worked harder than I ever have in my life, but I've been working without having to worry about money or selling the things I've created. 

  Besides I always have the best materials to work with, I also don't have anyone rushing me which gives me time to do a job well done, I can feel my forging techniques and skills getting better and better. 

  Since arriving in the mountain range I have had many sleepless nights from overwork, but I have had a lot of help from Orcs and Ogres who seem to be interested in forging. 

  With the people of the village around it was a lot of fun to forge surrounded by people serious in their work, besides the drink that the Orcs made was very good, they were all excellent drinking partners. 

  Unfortunately, because of work, I didn't have much time for my wife who was facing similar difficulties to mine, the only time we saw each other was at bedtime.