Cap 350: Attack on 3⁰ city part 5

Pov Kira: 

  When Elsaris ran inside the Dungeon and told everyone what had happened, few were affected by the news of the death of an entire city. 

  People in the mountain range have heard a lot of news like this over the years, so they won't be affected by it if it's not even connected to this city. 

  The people who were affected at different levels were the group of Mages under Rakan's control, even though I wasn't affected that much. 

  What really made everyone surprised and nervous was discovering that new enemies were coming here, so people started to prepare. 

  "Did the master give any orders? Does he have any plans in mind?"  (I) 

  "He already has a plan in mind, I'll tell you everything while we gather others with ambush and assassination skills."  (Elsaris) 

  "So let's go."  (I) 
