Cap 406:Getting to know the village of elves part 1

The next day I wake up with Layla tied in chains of shadows beside me, I also see Nix sleeping comfortably on my other side. 

  "Huhh... already awake... master...?"  (Nix) 

  "Good morning Nyx."  (I) 

  "Good Morning."  (Nix) 

  "Why is Layla tied up?"  (I) 

  "She was bothering the Dark Elf soldiers, when I found her yesterday she had over 100 soldiers running after her, she was laughing at them as it will be exactly what she wanted, with her speed she could have left them all behind."  (Nix) 

  "I knew she was up to something, you did great Nix."  (I) 

  "I'd like to leave her like this for the rest of the day, but we might need her, so let her go."  (I) 

  "Alright, with the master around she should behave."  (Nix) 

  "< Release >" (Nix) 

  "Zzz... Ugly Nix... Funny Elves... zzzzz... idiot master... Aí!"  (Layla) 

  "Who dares to hit the big Layla, I will..." (Layla)