Cap 473: Danger in the ocean

Pov of an unknown pirate: 

  I've been a pirate for over 30 years now, I can be considered one of the oldest among my comrades for being a survivor, but the reason for that is that I've always been smart, I've never tried to fight someone who couldn't win and I've never been very ambitious. 

  Even though I was respected for my wisdom and intelligence, I never tried to lead any pirate group, I was always a follower of those who showed the ability to lead, so I kept myself far from being hunted. 

  Just now I was giving a briefing to the youngest pirate leader I'm following, he's the opposite of me, he's young, bold, and very ambitious. 

  He rose to leadership by killing the leaders of nine pirate groups, and even at a young age, he has amassed a name that causes fear to those who listen, no crime he hasn't committed, and no hesitation when it comes to doing something that others consider cruel.