Cap 486: Weak army of Light

Pov Templar of Light: 

  We've been waiting days on this tiny island, our supplies will only last a few more days before we need more. 

  I get up and see the thousands and soldiers occupying almost 70% of this island, staying so long in such a cramped place is not pleasant for anyone, but necessary to catch the Demon we seek. 

  When he was spotted and escaped pursuit we could see that he had escaped our troops there, so we gathered all the troops scattered across the Grimo Kingdom to decide what to do. 

  The chase and the attacks our troops made inside that city angered the Grimo Kingdom, especially when it was pointed out that the Heretic did not attack or cause damage at any time. 

  Because of that, we had to hire people to get information to come up with a better plan next time.