Cap 506: Arrival at Kadra Kingdom

It took me a few hours to fully recover from casting this curse, I wasn't physically tired like Lilith and Érica, but I was just as mentally tired as they were, maybe more. 

  Elsaris, Lilian, and Vanessa who were nearby helped us back to the mansion where we gathered in the living room for a chat. 

  "You were right Lilith, we are able to trace the curse and with that, we will be able to find the Vampire responsible."  (I) 

  "Yes, but I noticed that we can only do that when we are outside the Dungeon."  (Érica) 

  Nix steps out of my shadow in her humanoid form. 

  "That's because the Dungeon is a separate space anchored in the normal world, inside you are separated from the rest of the world and that's why various spell effects, abilities, and communication items don't work to contact the outside of the Dungeon, it also won't work to talk from one floor to another in here."  (Nix)