Cap 547: Praying to the Goddess Selene

For a few seconds my mind went blank and I couldn't understand what was happening or what I had seen, Vanessa was talking to me with a worried face and when she shook me it was like waking up. 

I notice the tears welling up in my eyes and wipe them away with the handkerchief I pull out of my storage item. 

"Dad, are you okay? Are you feeling something? Are you sad about something? Do you want to leave?" (Vanessa) 

"I'm fine now, it was no big deal." (I) 

I don't believe my words myself, so I wasn't surprised to see Vanessa's suspicious and worried look. 

To be honest, I don't know what just happened, I felt like I was in a dream, it all happened so fast, but for some reason, it feels like it happened a long time ago, I'm confused by a lot of things right now.